BTC: 52.11
ETH: 16.02
SpotTrading volume (within 24 hours)
About Bitget
Bitget is a world-renowned crypto derivative trading platform established in Singapore since 2018.The team consists of a world-class financial team and aims to create the most professional and secure new exchange in the world.Bitget is the first platform in the world that has both USDT forward contracts and inverse contracts.At present,Bitget contract trading volume ranks among the top five in the world. According to TokenInsight data, Bitget USDT contract liquidity ranks among the top3 in the world.Bitget completed $10 million USD in Series-B financing backed by Anlan Capital growth fund as well as South Korea-listed Japanese gaming company SNK, raising its valuation to USD $1 billion on July 2020. Bitget was establishment of branches in Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, Canada, The team members specialized cryptography-based , financial investment, social media and numerous leading companies.
Bitget is a world-renowned crypto derivative trading platform established in Singapore since 2018.The team consists of a world-class financial team and aims to create the most professional and secure new exchange in the world.Bitget is the first platform in the world that has both USDT forward contracts and inverse contracts.At present,Bitget contract trading volume ranks among the top five in the world. According to TokenInsight data, Bitget USDT contract liquidity ranks among the top3 in the world.Bitget completed $10 million USD in Series-B financing backed by Anlan Capital growth fund as well as South Korea-listed Japanese gaming company SNK, raising its valuation to USD $1 billion on July 2020. Bitget was establishment of branches in Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, Canada, The team members specialized cryptography-based , financial investment, social media and numerous leading companies.
What coins does Bitget support?
The platform supports over 300 cryptocurrencies including BTC��ETH��DOGE��SOL��SHIB
What are the popular trading pairs on Bitget?
The platform supports more than 300 cryptocurrency trading pairs, including popular trading pairs BTC/USDT��ETH/USDT��SOL/USDT��SHIB/USDT��DOGE/USDT
How much are Bitget fees?
Click to view Bitget fee details.
Is it possible to use leveraged or margin trading on Bitget?
Currently, the transactions supported by Bitget include: Futures Contracts ��Fiat Trading ��Spot Trading
Spot Exchange
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